Coffee with QLIP – July

On 18th July we convened a Coffee with QLIP session focussing on working with girls and young women. Featuring speakers from Mary’s and Prospex, practitioners from across the borough heard examples of how to build a strong and impactful girls programme. They also heard about the Islington Girls’ Supergroupa partnership of providers that bring their girls’ groups together 6 times a year to host joint sessions. This gets girls moving around the borough, meeting new friends, visiting different providers and being exposed to new opportunities. We then opened for reflective discussion, which covered a range of topics like how to put together holistic activities; cultural competency and inclusivity; the importance of partnerships; the role of practitioners and relationships to build safe spaces; and intersectional practice across gender, race, and other factors. Watch the recordings below.

What does good girls work look like?

How can I set up a girls' group?