Young Leaders

What's all this about then?

  • Who

    This programme is for young people aged 14 - 18 who are or would like to develop and deliver youth work activities and programmes. Especially those who are considering a career in Youth Work or other 'helping' profession (care work, teaching, social work, nursing, community work).

  • When

    Young Leaders can expect to be involved in regular activities in a youth provision in the borough. This could be weekly, monthly, or ad hoc according to the programme. Young leader attend training eights times a year.

  • Where

    Young Leaders do most of their work with their 'home' organisation. Training takes place at different locations in the borough and online.

Sessions Coming Up

Wednesday 13th September, 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday 18thOctober, 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday 15h November, 5pm – 7pm

Wednesday 13th December, 5pm – 7pm

TBC. We’ll be running this session again soon. Sign up with the form at the bottom of this page to be the first to hear about it.

What a young leader does in a youth club

As a young leader you work with other young people, giving your time to support the youth work team. This is an opportunity to develop skills and responsibilities. Young leaders play an important role in the service we offer young people. Becoming a young leader is a privilege. Committing yourself to this role is an important decision to make.

You’ll need to carefully consider if you’re:

  • ready to move into this position of responsibility and trust
  • able to fulfil the requirements of the role

Can I be a young leader in a youth club?

To become a youth work young leader, you’ll need to:

  • be interested in working with young people
  • have time to offer
  • be non-judgemental
  • be aged between 14 and 17 (at 18 you become an adult volunteer)

As a young leader it’s likely you’ll do a variety of jobs, such as:

  • providing support for youth work activities
  • working as part of the youth work team
  • contributing towards planning and evaluating youth work activities

Your responsibilities as a volunteer

Your responsibilities will be to:

  • let your line manager know about any medical conditions that might affect the range of work you’re able to take part in
  • keep to your agreed working pattern, letting your line manager know if you can’t attend, or if you’re going to be late
  • take part in appropriate training opportunities as required by the service

Info for practitioners working With Young Leaders

Already have young people taking the lead?

This is great! The Young Leaders programme offers extra support for young people who are keen to step up. We offer regular training, ‘light touch’ mentoring and accreditations which support young people into youth work and other caring careers.

The most important part of any Young Leader’s development is the on-the-job training they get with your organisation, so this programme compliments this by helping them locate their practice within the National Occupational Standards for Youth Work.

It also links them up with other young people taking part in this and other Young Leader programmes, in the same way, that youth workers network and make connections.

Please use the contact form below if you would like more information.

Sign Up for Islington Young Leaders

Where you would like to be a young leader
DD slash MM slash YYYY