The Quality, Leadership and Impact Partnership (QLIP) is an initiative led by London Youth with Mary’s Youth Club, commissioned by Islington Council, to provide wrap-around support to youth organisations and practitioners in the borough. We champion high-quality youth work, strengthen youth workers and organisations, and measure and communicate the sector’s impact.

Young Islington is the borough’s vision for a new universal youth offer. It aims to provide locally-led, inter-connected youth work across the borough that meets the needs of diverse young people, rooted in sustainable networks of youth and community services. London Youth and Mary’s provide a central leadership function that will support high-quality youth work, strengthen youth workers and organisations, and measure and communicate impact. We do this creatively and collaboratively, quickly responding to emerging needs and trends. It’s a journey, so we’re always seeking feedback from a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that we can adapt and adjust our support to make it as effective as possible. 

Our Offer


Programmes and courses for Islington's Youth sector

Professional Supervision

Guided 'reflection-on-practice' for quality assurance and safeguarding

Measuring Impact

Monitoring, evaluation and learning

Bespoke Support

Tailored support for organisations and practitioners

The only work on this entire planet that supports and commits itself to young people, in their own time, and on their terms, is youth work.